Massage Techniques
Deep Tissue
Used to focus on specific areas of the body deep to the superficial muscles. It assists in those with chronic pain or with an injury, allowing for the release of the muscles tension and pain that it’s holding.
Assists women who are pregnant and whos bodies are adapting to the changes that are to come with muscles elasticity and strain on lower back muscles. During the first trimester and into the second we can do massage with you on your stomach as long as it is comfortable. As the pregnancy progresses, I’ll have you lay on your side with pillows for added comfort to apply the techniques.
Sports Massage
For athletes and those who strive for excellent fitness, this modality is great either pre or post workout to stimulate blood flow and oxygen to the muscles and release toxic build up. This technique includes different stretches as well.
This is an energy healing massage that is applied while the client is fully clothed. Hands are placed at different areas of the body to allow for positive healing energy to enter.
A barefoot massage technique using deep strokes from Bonnie’s feet. This is a western version of an ancient form of body work dating back thousands of years.
Hot Stone
This is available for an additional $25
Additional Services
Virtual or In Person Training Sessions to correct gate and posture
30 minute session – $45
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